The AIBs 2024 are now closed to entries.

Thank you to everyone who has entered and good luck as the process of shortlisting begins.

The shortlist will be announced in mid-September.

Event Partner

As a public broadcaster, Radio Taiwan International is dedicated to fulfilling its mission by providing accurate and reliable information, and promptly responding to changes in the international community.Rti prides itself on being a broadcaster that upholds the freedom of speech in the Chinese-speaking world and takes on the mission of delivering its democratic worldview and values in places with limited access to free information.Apart from broadcasting the voice of Taiwan to the world, Rti is also dedicated to serving its migrant workers and immigrant communities in Taiwan. Rti programmes consist of useful information about living in Taiwan and foster cross-cultural exchanges that reflect the nation’s diversity and inclusion.

The AIBs 2024 categories

Production air dates 1 July 2023 – 30 June 2024



Entry information

Entry form

This award category is for exceptional journalism and factual productions that explore the realms of arts, culture or history. Entries can be single programmes or series that illuminate the richness of cultural heritage, artistic expression, or historical events.

Our judges will look for productions that offer unique insights, inspire curiosity, and foster a deeper appreciation of the world we live in. This category celebrates storytelling that captures the imagination, educates, and entertains, while showcasing the beauty and complexity of human achievement and legacy.

Entry fee member companies – £165

Entry fee non-member companies – £215

All UK companies will need to add 20% vat.

Once your entry form is received, we will allocate an entry number and send you a link where you will be able to upload the following:

  1. A synopsis up to 400 words in Word or PDF format
  2. Your programme video: Formats accepted mov or mp4 HD.
  3. For singles: upload your programme which must be at least 20’ duration.
  4. For series with episodes with a duration of 20’ or more each: Upload a single episode and provide links to any other episodes at the end of your synopsis.
  5. For a series with short duration episodes (under 20’ duration each): upload a single file comprising episodes that total no less than 20’.
  6. If the entry is not in English then English subtitles should be embedded in the programme, no time code showing.




Entry information

Entry form

This category celebrates the best in documentary filmmaking that focuses on domestic issues – in other words, within your own country or region. Entries should provide in-depth analysis and insight into events that affect, or have affected, society in your country. Our judges will evaluate submissions based on the depth of research, storytelling ability, impact on public awareness, and contribution to understanding and dialogue around domestic affairs. This award recognises documentaries that not only inform and educate but also challenge audiences to view domestic issues through a new lens.

Entry fee member companies – £165

Entry fee non-member companies – £215

All UK companies will need to add 20% vat.

Once your entry form is received, we will allocate an entry number and send you a link where you will be able to upload the following:

  1. A synopsis up to 400 words in Word or PDF format
  2. Your programme video: Formats accepted mov or mp4 HD.
  3. For singles: upload your programme which must be at least 20’ duration.
  4. For series with episodes with a duration of 20’ or more each: Upload a single episode and provide links to any other episodes at the end of your synopsis.
  5. For a series with short duration episodes (under 20’ duration each): upload a single file comprising episodes that total no less than 20’.
  6. If the entry is not in English then English subtitles should be embedded in the programme, no time code showing.



Entry information

Entry form

The Emerging Talent category is dedicated to recognising up-and-coming journalists, presenters and factual content creators of any age who have demonstrated exceptional promise. This award seeks to highlight newcomers who bring fresh perspectives, demonstrate a strong commitment to storytelling, and have made a significant impression on audiences – and their peers. We want to understand what drew the entrant to their chosen career and hear about their achievements.

Entry fee £50

All UK companies will need to add 20% vat.

Once your entry form is received, we will allocate an entry number and send you a link where you will be able to upload the following:

  1. A showreel of your work, up to 30 minutes in total. Formats accepted mov or mp4 HD. (One-off presenter roles will not be accepted; a compilation of work must be submitted).
  2. A biography of your career to date up to 1000 words, peer references can also be provided. Word or PDF format.
  3. A high-resolution jpeg headshot.
  4. If the showreel is not in English then English subtitles should be embedded in the programme, no time code showing.




Entry information

Entry form

This category is for outstanding journalism and factual programming that covers health, wellness, or social issues. Programmes might shed light on health crises, medical advancements, social inequalities, or the human condition. Submissions should demonstrate rigorous research, compelling storytelling, and perhaps highlight critical issues that affect society. This award will recognise productions that have significantly contributed to public understanding, awareness, and action on health and social matters, whether in a domestic or international context.

Entry fee member companies – £165

Entry fee non-member companies – £215

All UK companies will need to add 20% vat.

Once your entry form is received, we will allocate an entry number and send you a link where you will be able to upload the following:

  1. A synopsis up to 400 words in Word or PDF format
  2. Your programme video: Formats accepted mov or mp4 HD.
  3. For singles: upload your programme which must be at least 20’ duration.
  4. For series with episodes with a duration of 20’ or more each: Upload a single episode and provide links to any other episodes at the end of your synopsis.
  5. For a series with short duration episodes (under 20’ duration each): upload a single file comprising episodes that total no less than 20’.
  6. If the entry is not in English then English subtitles should be embedded in the programme, no time code showing.




Entry information

Entry form

This award is given to the documentary that best explores significant global issues, conflicts, or events with a profound impact on the international community. It recognises productions that offer in-depth analysis, comprehensive coverage, and insight into international relations, human rights, or global crises, for example. Our judges will evaluate the documentaries based on their narrative clarity and ability to engage and inform and deliver a better understanding of often complex international affairs.

Entry fee member companies – £165

Entry fee non-member companies – £215

All UK companies will need to add 20% vat.

Once your entry form is received, we will allocate an entry number and send you a link where you will be able to upload the following:

  1. A synopsis up to 400 words in Word or PDF format
  2. Your programme video: Formats accepted mov or mp4 HD.
  3. For singles: upload your programme which must be at least 20’ duration.
  4. For series with episodes with a duration of 20’ or more each: Upload a single episode and provide links to any other episodes at the end of your synopsis.
  5. For a series with short duration episodes (under 20’ duration each): upload a single file comprising episodes that total no less than 20’.
  6. If the entry is not in English then English subtitles should be embedded in the programme, no time code showing.




Entry information

Entry form

The investigative documentary category recognises outstanding work in uncovering truths, exposing wrongdoing, or holding power to account. Eligible documentaries must demonstrate exceptional journalistic research, a commitment to uncovering the facts, and a fearless approach to storytelling. This award celebrates productions that have made a significant impact on society by bringing critical issues to light, prompting public discourse, or leading to change, for example. Submissions should showcase not only investigative excellence but also ethical journalism and storytelling that respects the dignity of all subjects involved.

Entry fee member companies – £165

Entry fee non-member companies – £215

All UK companies will need to add 20% vat.

Once your entry form is received, we will allocate an entry number and send you a link where you will be able to upload the following:

  1. A synopsis up to 400 words in Word or PDF format
  2. Your programme video: Formats accepted mov or mp4 HD.
  3. For singles: upload your programme which must be at least 20’ duration.
  4. For series with episodes with a duration of 20’ or more each: Upload a single episode and provide links to any other episodes at the end of your synopsis.
  5. For a series with short duration episodes (under 20’ duration each): upload a single file comprising episodes that total no less than 20’.
  6. If the entry is not in English then English subtitles should be embedded in the programme, no time code showing.



Entry information

Entry form

This award recognises timely, accurate, and comprehensive coverage of significant events as they unfold. The winning entry could be for effective coverage of a breaking news story, or continuing coverage of a major news event, demonstrating the ability to mobilise quickly, provide depth of analysis, great clarity of reporting, and perhaps the use of innovative techniques to convey the story to a wide audience. Whether breaking or continuing, the winning entry will have delivered journalistic excellence that keeps the public informed.

Entry fee member companies – £165

Entry fee non-member companies – £215

All UK companies will need to add 20% vat.

Once your entry form is received, we will allocate an entry number and send you a link where you will be able to upload the following:

  1. A synopsis up to 400 words in Word or PDF format
  2. The coverage, this must be at least 10’ duration. Formats accepted mov or mp4 HD.
  3. If the entry is not in English then English subtitles should be embedded in the programme, no time code showing.




Entry information

Entry form

We are looking for outstanding journalism which breaks down complex news stories into understandable, engaging, and informative formats. News explainers can include video segments, articles, or multimedia presentations designed to clarify the context, background, and implications of current events or issues. Our judges will assess the ability to simplify complex topics without sacrificing depth or accuracy, creativity in presentation, and effectiveness in reaching and educating a broad audience. This award recognises productions that enhance public understanding of the news, making information accessible and engaging to all.

Entry fee member companies – £165

Entry fee non-member companies – £215

All UK companies will need to add 20% vat.

Once your entry form is received, we will allocate an entry number and send you a link where you will be able to upload the following:

  1. A synopsis up to 400 words in Word or PDF format, to include the number of impressions received and the link to your story. If uploading a video it must be in this format. mov or mp4 HD. Please tell us the aspect ration of the video at the end of your synopsis.
  2. Each explainer must be no more than 10 minutes duration.
  3. If the entry is not in English then English subtitles should be embedded in any video you uploa



Entry information

Entry form

This award is for factual programming that examines political events, issues, or personalities shaping the world. It may include in-depth analysis, coverage of elections, political movements, governance, or policymaking. We are looking for entries that offer clear, unbiased reporting, deep insights into political processes, or the implications of political decisions on societies. The award celebrates productions that engage and educate the public on political matters, encouraging informed discourse and participation in the democratic processes.

Entry fee member companies – £165

Entry fee non-member companies – £215

All UK companies will need to add 20% vat.

Once your entry form is received, we will allocate an entry number and send you a link where you will be able to upload the following:

  1. A synopsis up to 400 words in Word or PDF format
  2. Your programme video: Formats accepted mov or mp4 HD.
  3. For singles: upload your programme which must be at least 20’ duration.
  4. For series with episodes with a duration of 20’ or more each: Upload a single episode and provide links to any other episodes at the end of your synopsis.
  5. For a series with short duration episodes (under 20’ duration each): upload episodes in single file of no less than 20’.
  6. If the entry is not in English then English subtitles should be embedded in the programme, no time code showing.



Entry information

Entry form

This award recognises the most outstanding presenter in journalism and factual programming over the past year. Criteria include the ability to engage and retain audiences, clarity in conveying complex subjects, and a distinctive style that enhances the storytelling experience. Our judges will look for presenters who demonstrate exceptional skill in interviewing, narrating, and connecting with viewers, making complex topics accessible and engaging. The award celebrates those who have not only mastered the art of presentation but have also shown a deep commitment to journalistic integrity and ethical standards.

Member entry fee £120

Non-member entry fee £140

All UK companies will need to add 20% vat.

Once your entry form is received, we will allocate an entry number and send you a link where you will be able to upload the following:

  1. A showreel up to 30 minutes duration. Formats accepted mov or mp4 HD. (One-off presenter roles will not be accepted; a compilation of work must be submitted)
  2. A biography of your career to date up to 1000 words, peer references can also be provided. Word or PDF format.
  3. A high-resolution jpeg headshot.
  4. If the entry is not in English then English subtitles should be embedded in the programme, no time code showing.



Entry information

Entry form

This category recognises exceptional short-form journalism and factual content that delivers storytelling with impact in a concise format. Entries must be no longer than 20 minutes and can cover any subject. You will need to demonstrate that the relatively short programme has engaged and informed audiences, offering insight and compelling narratives that resonate with viewers. We are looking for creativity and originality in a limited timeframe.

Entry fee member companies – £165

Entry fee non-member companies – £215

All UK companies will need to add 20% vat.

Once your entry form is received, we will allocate an entry number and send you a link where you will be able to upload the following:

  1. A synopsis up to 400 words in Word or PDF format.
  2. Each programme must be a minimum of 3’ and no more than 20’ duration. mov or mp4 HD.
  3. If the entry is not in English then English subtitles should be embedded in the programme, no time code showing.




    Entry information

    Entry form

    We are looking for innovative journalism that utilises social media platforms, such as Instagram, TikTok, X and others, to cover and narrate news stories through a series of short posts or videos. This award recognises journalists and content creators who skilfully employ the unique features of social media — including immediacy, audience interactivity, and visual storytelling. Entries should demonstrate how social media was used to inform, educate, and provoke discussion on news topics.

    Entry fee member companies – £120

    Entry fee non-member companies – £140

    All UK companies will need to add 20% vat.

    Once your entry form is received, we will allocate an entry number for each entry and will then send you a link where you will be able to upload your entry.

    1. You will need to upload the following:
    2. A synopsis up to 400 words in Word or PDF format, to include number of impressions received and the link to your story.
    3. If uploading a video, it must be in this format mov or mp4 HD. Please specify in the synopsis the aspect ratio of the production.
    4. If the entry is not in English, then English subtitles should be embedded in any video you upload.




    Entry information

    Entry form

    The sustainability category highlights journalism and productions that significantly contribute to the understanding of the broad subject of sustainability. This could include documentaries, reports, and series focusing on gender equality, climate change, renewable energy, conservation or societal sustainability, for example. Entries should raise awareness, inspire action, and offer innovative perspectives on how individuals and societies can achieve positive change. We will recognise factual programming that combines rigorous journalism with a commitment to a more sustainable and equitable world.

    Entry fee member companies – £165

    Entry fee non-member companies – £215

    All UK companies will need to add 20% vat.

    Once your entry form is received, we will allocate an entry number and send you a link where you will be able to upload the following:

    1. A synopsis up to 400 words in Word or PDF format

    Your programme: Formats accepted mov or mp4 HD.

    1. For singles: upload your programme which must be at least 20’ duration.
    2. For series with episodes with a duration of 20’ or more each: Upload a single episode and provide links to any other episodes at the end of your synopsis.
    3. For a series with short duration episodes (under 20’ duration each): upload episodes in single file of no less than 20’.
    4. If the entry is not in English then English subtitles should be embedded in the programme, no time code showing.




      AUDIO (radio and podcast entries are accepted)


      Entry information

      Entry form

      This award category is for exceptional journalism and factual productions that explore the realms of arts, culture or history. Entries can be single programmes or series that illuminate the richness of cultural heritage, artistic expression, or historical events.

      Our judges will look for productions that offer unique insights, inspire curiosity, and foster a deeper appreciation of the world we live in. This category celebrates storytelling that captures the imagination, educates, and entertains, while showcasing the beauty and complexity of human achievement and legacy.

      Entry fee member companies – £110

      Entry fee non-member companies – £165

      All UK companies will need to add 20% vat.


      Once your entry form is received, we will allocate an entry number and send you a link where you will be able to upload the following:

      1. A synopsis up to 400 words in Word or PDF format.
      2. Your programme audio: Formats accepted bwf or wav or mp3.
      3. For singles: upload your programme which must be at least 20’ duration.
      4. For series with episodes with a duration of 20’ or more each: Upload a single episode and provide links to any other episodes at the end of your synopsis.
      5. For series with short duration episodes (under 20’ duration each): upload a single file comprising episodes that total no less than 20’.
      6. If the programme is not in English you must provide an English transcript with time codes. (We will accept a video file with subtitles if this is preferred to a transcript).
      7. Logo(s) of the companies involved in the production and a graphic or image where available.


      Entry information

      Entry form

      The Emerging Talent category is dedicated to recognising up-and-coming journalists, presenters and factual content creators of any age who have demonstrated exceptional promise. This award seeks to highlight newcomers who bring fresh perspectives, demonstrate a strong commitment to storytelling, and have made a significant impression on audiences – and their peers. We want to understand what drew the entrant to their chosen career and hear about their achievements.

      Entry fee £50

      All UK companies will need to add 20% vat.

      Once your entry form is received, we will allocate an entry number and send you a link where you will be able to upload the following:

      1. A showreel of your work, up to 30 minutes duration. Formats accepted bwf or wav or mp3. (One-off presenter roles will not be accepted; a compilation of work must be submitted)
      2. A biography of your career to date up to 1000 words, peer references can also be provided. Word or PDF format.
      3. A high-resolution jpeg headshot.
      4. An English transcript with time codes if the showreel is not in English. (We will accept a video file with subtitles if this is preferred to a transcript).



      Entry information

      Entry form

      This category is for outstanding journalism and factual programming that covers health, wellness, or social issues. Programmes might shed light on health crises, medical advancements, social inequalities, or the human condition. Submissions should demonstrate rigorous research, compelling storytelling, and perhaps highlight critical issues that affect society. This award will recognise productions that have significantly contributed to public understanding, awareness, and action on health and social matters, whether in a domestic or international context.

      Entry fee member companies – £110

      Entry fee non-member companies – £165

      All UK companies will need to add 20% vat.

      Once your entry form is received, we will allocate an entry number and send you a link where you will be able to upload the following:

      1. A synopsis up to 400 words in Word or PDF format.
      2. Your programme audio: Formats accepted bwf or wav or mp3.
      3. For singles: upload your programme which must be at least 20’ duration.
      4. For series with episodes with a duration of 20’ or more each: Upload a single episode and provide links to any other episodes at the end of your synopsis.
      5. For a series with short duration episodes (under 20’ duration each): upload episodes in single file of no less than 20’.
      6. If the programme is not in English you must provide an English transcript with time codes. (We will accept a video file with subtitles if this is preferred to a transcript).
      7. Logo(s) of companies involved in the production and a graphic or image where available.



      Entry information

      Entry form

      The investigative documentary category recognises outstanding work in uncovering truths, exposing wrongdoing, or holding power to account. Eligible documentaries must demonstrate exceptional journalistic research, a commitment to uncovering the facts, and a fearless approach to storytelling. This award celebrates productions that have made a significant impact on society by bringing critical issues to light, prompting public discourse, or leading to change, for example. Submissions should showcase not only investigative excellence but also ethical journalism and storytelling that respects the dignity of all subjects involved.

      Entry fee member companies – £110

      Entry fee non-member companies – £165

      All UK companies will need to add 20% vat.

      Once your entry form is received, we will allocate an entry number and send you a link where you will be able to upload the following:

      1. A synopsis up to 400 words in Word or PDF format.
      2. Your programme audio: Formats accepted bwf or wav or mp3.
      3. For singles: upload your programme which must be at least 20’ duration.
      4. For series with episodes with a duration of 20’ or more each: Upload a single episode and provide links to any other episodes at the end of your synopsis.
      5. For a series with short duration episodes (under 20’ duration each): upload episodes in single file of no less than 20’.
      6. If the programme is not in English you must provide an English transcript with time codes. (We will accept a video file with subtitles if this is preferred to a transcript).
      7. Logo(s) of companies involved in the production and a graphic or image where available.


      Entry information

      Entry form

      The news coverage category rewards excellence in reporting on news events, both breaking and continuing coverage. This award will recognise timely, accurate, and comprehensive coverage of significant events as they unfold. Criteria include the ability to respond quickly, depth of analysis, clarity of reporting, and the appropriate use of sound to convey the story to a wide audience. We want to see a clear demonstration of journalistic excellence in keeping the public informed.

      Entry fee member companies – £110

      Entry fee non-member companies – £165

      All UK companies will need to add 20% vat.

      Once your entry form is received, we will allocate an entry number and send you a link where you will be able to upload the following:

      1. A synopsis up to 400 words in Word or PDF format.
      2. The coverage which must be at least 10’ duration. Formats accepted bwf or wav or mp3.
      3. You must provide an English transcript with time codes if the coverage is not in English. (We will accept a video file with subtitles if this is preferred to a transcript).
      4. Logo(s) of companies involved in the production and a graphic or image where available.



      PRESENTER of the YEAR

      Entry information

      Entry form

      This award recognises the most outstanding presenter in journalism and factual programming over the past year. Criteria include the ability to engage and retain audiences, clarity in conveying complex subjects, and a distinctive style that enhances the storytelling experience. Our judges will look for presenters who demonstrate exceptional skill in interviewing, narrating, and connecting with viewers, making complex topics accessible and engaging. The award celebrates those who have not only mastered the art of presentation but have also shown a deep commitment to journalistic integrity and ethical standards.

      Entry fee member companies £120

      Entry fee non-member companies £140

      All UK companies will need to add 20% vat.

      Once your entry form is received, we will allocate an entry number and send you a link where you will be able to upload the following:

      1. A showreel of your work, up to 30 minutes in total. Formats accepted bwf or wav or mp3. (One-off presenter roles will not be accepted; a compilation of work must be submitted).
      2. A biography of your career to date up to 1000 words, peer references can also be provided. Word or PDF format.
      3. A high-resolution jpeg headshot.
      4. An English transcript with time codes if the showreel is not in English. (We will accept a video file with subtitles if this is preferred to a transcript)

      SUSTAINABILITY - Sponsored by Rti

      Entry information

      Sponsored by


      Entry form

      The sustainability category highlights journalism and productions that significantly contribute to the understanding of the broad subject of sustainability. This could include documentaries, reports, and series focusing on gender equality, climate change, renewable energy, conservation or societal sustainability, for example. Entries should raise awareness, inspire action, and offer innovative perspectives on how individuals and societies can achieve positive change. We will recognise factual programming that combines rigorous journalism with a commitment to a more sustainable and equitable world.

      Entry fee member companies – £110

      Entry fee non-member companies – £165

      All UK companies will need to add 20% vat.

      Once your entry form is received, we will allocate an entry number and send you a link where you will be able to upload the following:

      1. A synopsis up to 400 words in Word or PDF format
      2. Your programme audio: Formats accepted bwf or wav or mp3.
      3. For singles: upload your programme which must be at least 20’ duration.
      4. For series with episodes with a duration of 20’ or more each: Upload a single episode and provide links to any other episodes at the end of your synopsis.
      5. For a series with short duration episodes (under 20’ duration each): upload episodes in single file of no less than 20’.
      6. If the programme is not in English you must provide an English transcript with time codes. (We will accept a video file with subtitles if this is preferred to a transcript).
      7. Logo(s) of companies involved in the production and a graphic or image where available.


      The AIBs 2024

      The international awards for journalism and factual


      Contact us to see how you can be involved.

      See the 2024 sponsor book here.